Sandman - Get Into It Vol. 1

So next Monday Sandman is releasing his 2nd E.P. on our label, entitled The Jalan Panjang E.P.
To celebrate, a while ago we dropped a Mix by Creative and now we have another by Sandman himself!
Yes indeed…. A mix by Sandman, consisting of mostly his own work alongside a couple recent released favorites.
Feel free to share your opinion/praise/criticism on the tunes and off course on the mix itself.

If you like what your hearing and want to get Sandman at your rave simply email to:

Got music for us for future mixes and Radio?
Sent all material to:
Catch us every Sunday 4 – 6 PM GMT on Nasty FM

Sandman - Get Into It Vol. 1 by Progressive Intelligence


1. Sandman - Big City (Progressive Intelligence)
2. Bok Bok - Silo Pass [Sir Spyro Remix] (Nightslugs)
3. Preditah - Red Bull (Adamantium )
4. Sandman - Twisted Minds (Progressive Intelligence Dub)
5. Moony - Close Enough [Sandman’s VIP Mix] (Progressive Intelligence Dub)
6. Sandman - Long Street (Progressive Intelligence)
7. D.O.K - Akuma (Pitch Controllers )
8. SRC - June (Triangulum)
9. Sandman - Hold You Down VIP (Progressive Intelligence Dub)
10. Sandman - Kretekmoment (Progressive Intelligence Dub)
11. Sandman - Statonite (Progressive Intelligence Dub)
12. Terror Danjah - Fruit Punch (Hyperdub)
13. Moony - The Worm (Dub)
14. Sandman - Ocean's Blue (Progressive Intelligence Dub)
15. Sandman - Run It [Moony's 4x4 Remix] (Progressive Intelligence Dub)
16. Sandman - Jakarta City (Progressive Intelligence Dub)

Don’t forget SandmanThe Jalan Panjang E.P. is out: 17.09.2012

Big Up