Video: Moony - Close Enough (Release: 07.05.12)

After a long wait it's finally here! The video for Close Enough by Moony! Not even gonna say too much other than a very big shout the guys at Anders Vision for filming! And offcourse Sarah, Jamie and the whole team for making the vid possible!

Also out to Sebadee and the PSA gang for the artwork and obviously Moony himself on the release!
Enjoy and spread widely if you like!


Sandman - Deaf Manners (2 Free Grime Instrumentals)

As a build up to the next release we decided to give away 2 instrumentals by Sandman. No use to just let them gather dust on a Harddrive right? First track is entitled Sandman's Area It's skippy, its Grime! Not much more to be said really... Second track is Sandman's take on D.O.K - Chemical Planet Initially the remix was made when the stems were released but due to some hardware problems a decent mixdown couldn’t be done. As it is a waste to just let stuff like this die on a hard drive Sandman revived it, gave the mixdown a makeover and we decided to still give it out. Shout out to D.O.K and the Butterz Gang on that one. Enjoy! P.s don't forget Sandman - Run It is out now! Go get that if you haven't already. Moony - Close Enough E.P. 07.05.12 Big Up!